Giving to Mission San Luis Rey
Make a donation
Mission San Luis Rey, a National Historic Landmark and “working” mission, has been a proud community partner and gathering center for the area since 1798. As the need for more community outreach and programs grow each year, Mission San Luis Rey needs your support more than ever. CLICK HERE to make a donation.
AmazonSmile is an easy way to support Mission San Luis Rey. Amazon will donate .5% of your eligible purchases to Mission San Luis Rey. All you have to do is to go to and designate the Mission as the charitable organization that you would like to support, then log into every time you shop.
Planned giving
Members of our Mission Legacy Guild are donors who have generously named Mission San Luis Rey as their charitable beneficiary through various estate planning options. These donations contribute significant support for our programs and services.
Planned Giving Options:
- Bequests
- Living Trusts
- Retirement Plans
- Certificates of Deposit
- Savings Account
- Life Insurance
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- Charitable Remainder Unitrust
- Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
Please contact your estate/financial planner or life insurance professional for advisement of your options.
For more information and instructions on how to name Mission San Luis Rey as a benefactor click here.