
Spiritual Direction

A Spiritual Director is a Spiritual Companion for anyone who has a desire to talk to another as they make their way through the holy, and sometimes difficult, times in life. We all can benefit from a companion who listens to us without judgment, expectations, or all the answers.

A Spiritual Companion, with God’s grace, listens with compassion, love and kindness as your sacred story unfolds. All sessions are held in confidence in a safe, comfortable setting where you are never asked or required to talk about anything or anyone you are not comfortable with disclosing.

What happens in Spiritual Direction?

You talk about what’s on your mind, for instance:

  • How do you know God’s invitations for you in this life?
  • How is God present or absent in your life?
  • Is this a time of change or decision-making?
  • Have you lost the feeling that God is present or is it difficult to pray?
  • What is happening in your life that distances you from God?
  • Do you have a desire for a deeper spiritual life?
  • Do you have a desire to share your spiritual journey with another?

Spiritual Direction sessions are 50 minutes long and are held at Mission San Luis Rey Retreat Center. When needed, virtual sessions can also be conducted online or over the phone. A donation of $40-$60 is requested for each session and can be arranged between the companion and the guest.

For more information on Spiritual Direction with Mission San Luis Rey Retreat Center or to schedule an appointment call (760) 757-3659 or send an email.

Meet our Spiritual Directors

Pat Julian_photo

Pat Julian, a Spiritual Companion for 30 years, has accompanied Catholics, people of different Christian denominations, as well as people with no particular denomination. Trained at Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Washington DC to companion others on their spiritual journey, she realized her vocation to serve others as they follow their personal call. That is, discovering how to listen to God’s invitation to know themselves and to know God.

As a result of her work with Franciscan communities in the Province of Saint Barbara for 25 years as Program Director and Spiritual Director at two Franciscan retreat centers, she has developed her belief in a sacred relationship with all of creation. St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology, inspires her to accept everyone with love and to share with them God’s desire that everyone know His love for them.

Pat is a member of Spiritual Directors International and Contemplative Outreach of North San Diego as well as Contemplative Prayer International.

“I believe everyone has the wisdom and knowledge, whether you are active in your faith or not, to know that unique space in your soul where the spirit of the Holy resides. Our time together holds the possibility of discovering that unique space.”



Laura E. Pasquale, Ph.D. provides ongoing and short-term individual spiritual direction. Focus areas include bio-spiritual focusing, caregiving, centering prayer, direction for college students, grief and loss, Ignatian discernment, and midlife spirituality. She also co-leads the weekly virtual meeting of a Centering Prayer group.

Laura earned a certificate in the Art of Spiritual Direction through Loyola Marymount University, under the direction of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange. Through the BioSpiritual Institute, she also completed training as a biospiritual focusing companion. Currently, Laura is a member of Contemplative Outreach of North San Diego and Contemplative Outreach International.

Laura works with Catholics and those from other Christian denominations and faiths, as well as other spiritual seekers, believing that each individual is invited to a unique encounter with the Divine. The Ignatian spiritual exercises, the enneagram, centering prayer, biospiritual focusing, prayer practices, and other resources are available for your personal journey! 

“As Paula D’Arcy says, ‘God comes to you disguised as your life.’ I believe that growth is possible in the midst of our circumstances, where we can each joyfully discover—or rediscover—the movement of the Spirit. In spiritual direction, we are invited to pause, to consider and reconnect with our deepest selves, and then to carry that awareness and peace into our daily activities.”

DT Photo

Br. Dick (DT) Tandy, OFM is a Franciscan Friar and certified spiritual director. Br. DT received his training at Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA with a focus on Ignatian Spirituality through a Franciscan lens. He holds certificates in trauma management and psychological first aid. Describing himself as “actively retired” following nine years as a chaplain at St. Anthony’s Foundation in San Francisco, his spiritual practices include contemplative prayer, Ignatian Examen, prayers of gratitude and mindful movement for all abilities.  


In Spiritual Direction, Br. DT walks alongside individuals from all backgrounds seeking a sense of God in their life. His specialties include working with recovery groups, all 12-step folks, and those experiencing vicarious trauma or struggling with addiction which can come in many forms. You are invited to explore a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human as we seek to recognize God in our everyday lives.  


“Life is the Camino we walk together. As a Franciscan