Mission Events Schedule
Deadline | April 10th
Remember a Loved One with a Lily for Easter at Mission San Luis Rey Cemetery
Would you like your loved one’s grave or niche adorned with a beautiful Easter Lily during the Easter season?
Apr 24 | 6 am - 7:30 pm
Art Lecture: Our Lady of Guadalupe, “Maravilla Americana”
In-depth lecture by Helena Hazleton about “Our Lady of Guadalupe” painting that hangs in the Historic Mission Church.
May 10 | 11 am - 2 pm
Mission Garden Tea Party – A Garden Fundraiser
Experience the Mission like never before! Enjoy afternoon tea overlooking our magnificent rose garden
May 22 | 6 am - 7:30 pm
Art Lecture: Franciscan Saints in Art, Collection at MSLR
In-depth lecture by Helena Hazleton about the Franciscan art found in the Historic Mission Church.